Sunday, June 28, 2009


1. How does your culture define success?
E, S, and K- In general success is defined by financial stability, respect from peers, to be loved by those close to us, and being hardworking. In our own native countries which are more developed (America, the Emirates, and South Korea), a good education is held in high esteem because it often leads to a career and a good financial future. However, in lesser developed countries, success is defined more by your ability to raise a family.

M- For a woman to be successful in a society like mine ,she is expected to be a good mother and wife. She is expected to fulfill her job description as a Nurturer and be of good spiritual guidance to her children and husband. She is expected to raise them based on the tenants of Islam. The more important job , however, for any human being from an Islamic perspective is being faithful to god; because to be a "Muslim", by definition, means to be submissive to god.

2. How do you define success?

a) For your life?
E, S, and K- As artists, I think we've realized that success has much to do with doing something that we love. Success is personal happiness, whatever that may entail.
M-To have found happiness is success. It is the soul objective of every human being on this earth, whether through having a work, marriage....etc. As for me it's to find love, acceptance and validation.

b) As an artist?
E, S, and K- Artists are selfless. They are much more concerned with changing the world, and conveying a global message and making a difference. An artist is a success if they have made an impact on the lives and views of others.
M-To make art with meaning and to make a difference.

c) For this class?
E, S, and K- To share thoughts within our groups and to communicate what we learn worldwide. Also to expand our skills.
M- To learn something new and different. To break stereotypes.

The idea of success for a woman differs from the idea of a successful man. On this site we found Eleanor Roosevelt's description of a successful woman.

Jim Donovan, author of the international bestseller,"This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal," gives an advice how to live a more successful life.

6 Habits of Highly Successful Artists from

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